The Path to my Future

by Rob S. Kniss

My future as a lifelong learner is only just beginning.  After completing my bachelor’s degree, I thought I would be done as a learner in formal education and I would go on to the world of work and hone my skills to a specific profession.  I couldn’t have been more wrong.  Working at an institution of higher education I began exploring the possibility of applying for a master’s program.  Two years later, here I am, about to complete my master’s and looking forward to my future as a learner.  My immediate future as a lifelong learner looks daunting and challenging, but also promising.  After a difficult time as an undergraduate, I worked hard as a master’s student and proved to myself that I have extraordinary potential as a lifelong learner.  I have been accepted into the Michigan State University Higher, Adult and Lifelong education (HALE) PhD program.  I am excited to be continuing my education in this program and I look forward to the possibilities it will provide for me as I continue to learn.  My master’s program has provided me the necessary tools to continue into this challenging future. 

My masters program has benefited me in a great many ways.  I didn’t immediately begin the program following my undergraduate degree.  I worked a few years after earning my first degree, but my position at MSU provided a wonderful opportunity to continue my education and I became excited about the possibility to do more and learn more.  I wasn’t sure if I would be able to adapt to the challenge of a master’s program.  However, that changed as I worked through the program.  My re-introduction into formal education via my master’s program has reinvigorated me.  I crave more knowledge as I adjust my goals and have come to realize I value my career so much more as I continue gaining new and improved skills as a lifelong learner.  My view of what it is to be a lifelong learner was challenged by my classes and instructors.  Before I began this path to continued education, I didn’t really consider that lifelong learning was much more than just a formal education. I believe everyone needs to adapt and strive for more as they grow, and I am fortunate to have found that educational knowledge drives me and pushes me to become a more enlightened person and a far more valuable employee.  I feel now, as I am prepared to graduate with my master’s degree, that I have developed the skills and the knowledge to approach any challenge or situation I may face with confidence, whether that be within my formal education or my professional career.

Looking into the future, I see myself continuing to learn in various different ways.  Of course I will be continuing my formal education through the HALE program, but I will also be learning in my profession.  I envision myself trying to find better and more advanced processes to completing tasks that will challenge me throughout my career.   Currently in my profession I am constantly tapping into faster and more efficient technology to find ways of creating more reliable processes.  I plan on continuing this trend as I move throughout my professional career, wherever that may take me.  I feel it is important for me to lean on technology in way to stream line things that may not operate as efficient as they can and should be.  Technology is advancing at a rapid pace, and my future as a learner will grow as quickly if I can continue to learn and adapt to the rapid changes that are and will be taking place.

I have many goals for my personal life, as well as my professional and educational career.  Continual learning will play a big part in achieving those goals.  I know I constantly need to be growing and improving my current skills, and adapting new ones in order to reach the pinnacle of the goals I have set for myself.  I envision myself working my way through my career ever-learning and ever-achieving. 

I see my future in the realm of education, and driving education.  I believe part of that is being a role model for my three children, as well as the students I advise as a financial aid officer.  I understand the importance of learning and work to impart that love of education on others with whom I come in contact. I truly believe my enjoyment of education will give others a desire to be lifelong learners themselves.